Due to its specific brilliance and materiality, mosaic has a special quality that allows the image to have an extremely dynamic character, which changes the sensory perception of the viewer depending on the time of day or on the way in which light travels.
Simultaneously with the movement in space, the mosaic creates a state of liveliness that catches the eye successively, from one image to another, from one holy face to another, creating a specific girotondo effect. Thus, the mystical atmosphere inside the cathedral is amplified, which is completed by the church music that is specific to the Orthodox ecclesiastical space.
Mosaic church painting is the most expressive and valuable form in which the interior decoration of the People’s Salvation Cathedral could be made. Besides its resistance over time, which excludes any danger of losing its aesthetic properties over time, mosaic withstands humidity and high temperatures, has the ability to be cleaned very easily, and maintenance costs are very low.